Easy Spring Activities for K-1

Spring has sprung! I love the excitement that Spring brings! By this time, students are much more independent, so teaching them is a little easier, and it feels a lot more fun. There are lots of fresh math, literacy, and science activities for you to mix into your routine this April. Read more below to see some of my faves!

My Funny Joke- April Fool’s Day Craftivity

April first is such a silly day for a kindergartener or first grader! Seriously, this April Fool’s Day activity is one of my fave craftivities! Students make a silly disguise face and they write their own joke, or grab a mystery joke out of my bowl of jokes. This craftivity comes with over 20 pre-written jokes if your students are having a hard time thinking of a joke on their own. After we all finish, we read our jokes out loud to the class- too fun! This craftivity makes a hilarious bulletin board display also. Your whole school will be giggling!

Find the April Fool’s Day Craftivity HERE.

April Fool’s “Brown E” Prank

This is the prank I pull each year on April Fool’s Day! I cut out letter E’s on brown paper (Get it?! They’re brown E’s!), and put them on a pan with foil covering the top. Then I tell my students that they have been working so hard, I decided to make them some brown E’s to enjoy while they work today. When I peel back the foil, students burst into a fit of giggles when I start handing each of them a brown letter E. I tell them that I made them brown E’s, not brownies!

Students get even more excited when I give them each a piece of foil to wrap their brown E in so that they can take it home to pull the same prank on their families. They loooove this!

Later on in the day, I prank my littles one last time- but this time the prank is reversed! While they are working, I pull my pan of brownies back out and I say “are you sure that y’all don’t want any brownies today while you work?!” Students say things like “oh no, you can’t fool us again!” Then I peel back the foil to reveal a tray of Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies. Students are always so surprised that I had them fooled once AGAIN! Brownies for everyone! :)

April Read Alouds

There are so many sweet Spring read alouds that you can do this month! I have all of these read alouds (plus many more that are not pictured here) linked on my Amazon list HERE.

Egg-cited For Spring Anchor Chart

This anchor chart is one of my faves. We fill this one out before we do our Spring Chick Writing Craftivity (see below). This anchor chart is from my Project and Trace Chart Pack that can be found HERE.

Spring Chick Writing Craftivity

This is another cute writing craftivity that makes a fun bulletin board display! I usually do this craft on a Fun Friday after reading a fun Spring-themed book.

This craftivity includes several different writing prompts and it can be found HERE.

Bunny Directed Drawing

This is such a cute Fun Friday activity for students to do in the afternoon. This directed drawing is from Proud to Be Primary (find it HERE). Then we used watercolors on ours. Soooo cute!

Place Value Peeps Craft

I love incorporating crafts into math time! Practice place value, fine-motor skills, and following directions with this activity!

Grab the Place Value Peeps craft HERE.

How to Catch the Easter Bunny

I love the “How to Catch…” book series! This fun flip book activity includes several writing options for your students to complete to practice “how-to” writing after reading this fun book. If you are unable to mention the word “Easter” in your classroom, this pack also includes an option without the word “Easter bunny” and it just says “how to catch a bunny” instead.

Grab this fun flip book HERE.

Egg-Citing Word Hunt

Students love this fun addition to or Word Work station each April! Choose from one of 8 phonics skills, print your recording pages, cut out the words, and hide them in the eggs!

Students will open each egg, read the word, determine the pattern, and record it in the correct column.

Grab this Egg-citing Word Hunt HERE.

Plant Pals

If you’re doing your plant science unit this Spring, this is the ONLY way to go when it comes to having students plant and grow their own seeds! I used to do the “grow a lima bean plant” activity, but those can be difficult to grow. I have a 100% success rate every year with these cuties instead!

You can find out how to make Plant Pals and you can get the Plant Pal journals HERE.

Holiday Word Work for Any Word List

Students always love these fun word work pages! I put a new one into our word work bin each week so students to have one choice that is a little more festive than the other word work that we usually do. Students practice writing word family words, phonics pattern words, heart words, sight words, word wall words, or whatever words your class is currently working on!

You can grab this word work HERE.

You can read more about my word work station HERE.

April/May Print and Play Math Games

These print and play math games are the easiest math center to prep! They’re also great because they review lots of math concepts that students should be working on consistently.

You can grab the math game bundle HERE.

You can read more about my math stations HERE.

April Color By Code

Color by Codes are perfect for reviewing concepts that have already been taught! I print these out and keep them in a “busy bin” for students to grab from if they are a fast finisher and have nothing else to work on. Each pack includes several math and phonics concepts.

You can grab the Color By Code pack HERE.

Earth Day Chart and Craftivity

This is such a perfect craftivity to do after you teach about Earth Day! I love seeing how students will take care of the Earth. This activity comes with several writing prompt choices and you can grab it HERE. This anchor chart is from my Project and Trace Chart Pack that can be found HERE.

Math Around the Room

I love these Spring Math Around the Room centers because they are so easy to set up (just print, cut, and go) and students are always engaged when they are moving around the room “hunting” for the math cards.

Each pack includes over 20 math concepts so it doesn’t matter if you are currently working on number bonds, place value, shapes, or any other K-1 math concepts because they’re all in the pack for you!

You can grab the Math Around the Room Bundle at a discount HERE.

Spring Positive Behavior Notes

I love sending home positive behavior notes with deserving students each day! I keep a stack of these on my desk, and when I see a student go “above and beyond” I’ll write their name at the top of the note, sign my name at the bottom, and tape a little Starburst candy to the top for them to bring home to show their families. This is such a quick and easy way to make a positive connection between school and home.

These notes can be found HERE.

I hope you found some fun, Springy ideas to use in your classroom! Let me know if you try any of them, I would love to hear about it!


Three Ways to Use Fun-Shaped Easter Eggs in the Classroom


Fun March Activities for your K-1 Classroom