Three Ways to Use Fun-Shaped Easter Eggs in the Classroom

Have you seen any of the fun-shaped Easter eggs in your local Walmart, Target, or Dollar Tree? I’ve seen everything from Lego-shaped “eggs” to flower-shaped “eggs” and I think they’re so much fun! There are so many ways that you can use the shaped “eggs” without making the activity seem like an Easter activity.

Check out a few of my fave ways below!

First Way: Grab and Go Place Value Math Center

This Grab and Go Place Value activity can be used as a math center, small or whole group activity, fast finisher activity, and so much more! Just print your cards, place each card in a plastic shaped “egg” and let students pull out the eggs, and represent the number inside in four different ways.

This center can easily be used without the eggs, but “hiding” the number cards inside of the cute shapes can help to make it more fun and engaging!

Second Way: Simply Syntax Center

The Simply Syntax center cards are perfect to place inside of shaped “eggs”! Use this activity as a center, small group activity, fast finisher activity, and more! Simply print your cards, place them in the shapes, and let students open them and sort the word cards to make a sentence that makes sense. Once they finish unscrambling the sentence, they can record it on the corresponding recording sheet, and then check their answer with the answer checking sheet!

This activity is a perfect way to get in syntax practice- a skill that is often skipped over. Use it with or without the shaped eggs- but the shaped eggs definitely make it more fun!

Third Way: Phonics Word Hunts

The Phonics Word Hunts are always a favorite Word Work center for students to work in. This is probably my favorite way to use the shaped eggs! I like to use eggs that are on “theme” for this activity (ex: hearts for February, rainbows for March, etc.) but you definitely do not have to do that!

Each set comes with lots of phonics skills to choose from! Just print and cut your words, place the words in the shaped eggs, and let students open and sort the words into the correct word pattern column. There are corresponding recording sheets to match for students to use as well! I’ve also placed the words in a fun sensory bin for students to “hunt” for, but popping open a fun shaped container to find your words is so much fun too!

Let me know if you end up using any of these fun activities in your classroom! It’s always exciting to shake things up by adding in something so small but so fun for your littles.


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