Who is the Fabulous Firstie Fairy?
Listen, sometimes we just need a little extra “classroom fairy magic,” right? The Fab Firstie Fairy (or the Kind-Hearted Kinder Fairy) were created to help teachers who may need that little extra “classroom fairy magic” boost in their primary classroom. Read exactly how this works below and grab it here!
First, you’ll need a fairy door
I used a command strip to hang mine flat against the wall. Make sure to hang it in an area that isn’t reachable by your students! I found my fairy door at World Market over 5 years ago, but I know that they have them here on Amazon now. Hang your “Fab Firstie Fairy is Watching” sign next to the door (or your Kind-Hearted Kinder Fairy sign).
Next, put on your best acting performance!
Hang the tiny poem/note from the fairy up near the fairy door. Once your students notice it, it’s your time to display your best acting skills! The poem/note introduces the fairy and exactly what she looks for in a Fab Firstie or a Kind-Hearted Kinder (students who follow directions quickly, listen well, show kindness, make smart choices, and are all around great students).
Things might happen like this:
Students: “Hey, what’s that little door up there? I think there’s a note?!”
Teacher: “What door, I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
Students: “THAT door!!!”
Teacher: “OH MY GOODNESS?! Where did that come from? Did one of you put that there?!?!”
Students: “Noooo! There’s a note!!!”
Teacher: “A note? Hold on I can’t see, let me get my glasses!”
*Teacher stands on stool to get the note down and acts jittery, excited, and shocked. Teacher reads the note with disbelief!*
Students: squeal with excitement
Teacher: “WOW!!! I can’t believe this!! I knew I wanted something good to happen today but I never would have guessed it would be something THIS good! I guess we are all going to have to be working super hard for the fairy!”
Finally, It’s time to look for those Fab Firsties or Kind-Hearted Kinders
After you’ve read the note and introduced the fairy, it’s time to look for those Fab Firsties or those Kind-Hearted Kinders! When you find one, leave one of the special notes on their desk when they aren’t there (while they are in Specials, at lunch, etc.). I like to leave a sprinkle of glitter on top of the note, and a little treat along with it (although you certainly don’t have to). Treat examples could be: candy, stickers, pencils, erasers, smelly markers, party favors from Target/Walmart/Dollar Tree, reward coupons, and more!
Hopefully this fun method keeps your littles on their toes!
What to do when students don’t believe?
There will always be nay-sayers. I remember kids talking about how the Tooth Fairy was fake while I rode the bus in first grade, but I still believed. As a teacher, there is really only one way to address those who claim that the fairy isn’t real, etc. I just simply say “you know, I don’t think the fairy would waste time visiting those who don’t believe in her". Annnnnd that’s usually a mic drop moment, plain and simple!
If you happen to use this idea in your kinder or first grade classroom, let me know! I would love to hear how much your littles love it!