5 Tips for Center Success
Math and literacy centers used to give me a headache. I’d be trying to run a small group while the rest of the class looked like the local zoo! I realized very quickly that centers would be a huge waste of instructional time if centers weren’t explicitly taught, and clear, easy to understand expectations were given. With some trial and error, I finally came up with the BEST possible way to run my centers and I’ve been running them this way for YEARS! Read my 5 tips for center success below.
Tip 4: Use matching visuals throughout your centers, expectations, & boards
My center areas, rotation boards, and expectation visuals all use the same images throughout so that students can find where to go quickly, and find their materials quickly too. Ex: the word work image on the rotation board matches the word work image on the expectation visual, and the word work image on the word work tray matches them too. There is absolutely no confusion among students when using this process.
Let me know if you end up using any of these tips to set up your classroom centers this year. I would be so happy to hear how it went for you and your classroom!