5 Tips for Center Success
Math and literacy centers used to give me a headache. I’d be trying to run a small group while the rest of the class looked like the local zoo! I realized very quickly that centers would be a huge waste of instructional time if centers weren’t explicitly taught, and clear, easy to understand expectations were given. With some trial and error, I finally came up with the BEST possible way to run my centers and I’ve been running them this way for YEARS! Read my 5 tips for center success!
Math Centers for K-1 Made Easy
Want to know how I keep math centers running smoothly in my classroom?! I love maximizing my time with small groups by making sure that my centers are meaningful and low-prep! Click here to read more!
How to Run Successful ELA Centers
For K-1 students, centers are one of the most developmentally appropriate things that you can do for them.
Create a Low-Prep Writing Center Station
Wanting to create a writing center station for your students to visit during ELA centers, but not sure how to make it functional and low-prep?! I’ve got you covered! There are 3 print and go resources that I use to create my writing center, and my students love coming back to this station each day because of these resources. Read here to find out more about our classroom writing center!
10 Low-Prep Word Work Activities for K-1
For a long time, I struggled with wanting my word work options to be engaging and hands-on, but also low-prep. Over the years I came up with several word work options that meet all of my qualifications: engaging and standards-based, hands-on, and low-prep. Read about some of my fave options here.
An Easy Fact Fluency Center for K-2!
Want students to practice fact fluency daily in math centers but not sure how to do it in a low-prep way?! I’ve got you covered!
Question of the Day/Week: A Math Graphing Center
Looking for a fun way to incorporate a daily graphing station into your math center block? Read here to find out how this can be done with hardly any prep!
Using Digital Math and Literacy Centers
love paper centers just as much as the next person because I love the hands-on approach to learning. What I don’t love is spending hours of my personal time cutting and laminating hundreds of math centers, just to have to redo them all in a few years because of wear and tear.