Math Centers for K-1 Made Easy
Want to know how I keep math centers running smoothly in my classroom?! I love maximizing my time with small groups by making sure that my centers are meaningful and low-prep! Click here to read more!
How to Run Successful ELA Centers
For K-1 students, centers are one of the most developmentally appropriate things that you can do for them.
Must-Haves in my First Grade Classroom
I finally decided to compile a small list of the 7 things that are absolute “must-haves” in my classroom because I truly use them each and every day!
Why I’m Not Getting Rid of “Calendar Time” in First Grade
At one point, I worked for a school district that told us “calendar time wasn’t really appropriate for First Graders anymore,” so they were removing it from our master schedule. My response to that was “on what planet?!”
Using Student Data Binders to Track Data
Tracking student data would be a very daunting task if I didn’t have students help me do it! Of course I save their assessment and behavior data for my own records, but I also like having students track their data so that they can see their growth, and so I have visuals to show families during conference time. Read more about how I do this in my classroom!
Classroom Management Made Easy
Looking for easy ways to keep your class running smoothly?! Let me help you!
Star Student of the Week
Build a sweet classroom community by featuring each student as the Star of the Week!
Question of the Day/Week: A Math Graphing Center
Looking for a fun way to incorporate a daily graphing station into your math center block? Read here to find out how this can be done with hardly any prep!
Newsbooks… A Weekly Letter Writing Activity
This is my favorite way to establish communication between school and home.