Math Centers for K-1 Made Easy
Want to know how I keep math centers running smoothly in my classroom?! I love maximizing my time with small groups by making sure that my centers are meaningful and low-prep! Click here to read more!
How to Run Successful ELA Centers
For K-1 students, centers are one of the most developmentally appropriate things that you can do for them.
It’s Meet the Teacher Night!
Here’s everything that I do to make sure that I have a smooth and successful Meet the Teacher Night!
First Week of School Lesson Plans
I’ve put together a resource for you that would take a TON off your back-to-school plate!
Teaching Resources That Every K-1 Teacher Needs
There are a few things that I use in my classroom DAILY that I absolutely could not live without. Read here to find out about my favorite resources that every K-1 teacher needs!
Must-Haves in my First Grade Classroom
I finally decided to compile a small list of the 7 things that are absolute “must-haves” in my classroom because I truly use them each and every day!
5 Must-Have Visuals in my First Grade Classroom
Visuals in a primary classroom are a NEED! Clear, easy to read print paired with distinct visuals is something I have always made sure is abundant in my room. Read to see the 5 most important visuals that are referred to DAILY in my room
Create a Low-Prep Writing Center Station
Wanting to create a writing center station for your students to visit during ELA centers, but not sure how to make it functional and low-prep?! I’ve got you covered! There are 3 print and go resources that I use to create my writing center, and my students love coming back to this station each day because of these resources. Read here to find out more about our classroom writing center!
Classroom Storage and Organization
I think it’s safe to say that my classroom love language is “storage and organization!”
Organizing and Managing a Classroom Library
Organizing and managing a classroom library is actually a piece of cake! Let me show you!
Why I’m Not Getting Rid of “Calendar Time” in First Grade
At one point, I worked for a school district that told us “calendar time wasn’t really appropriate for First Graders anymore,” so they were removing it from our master schedule. My response to that was “on what planet?!”
Easy End of Year Themed Days
Wanting to give your class some End of Year themed days to review everything that you’ve learned throughout the year but not wanting to lose the structure of your day? This EOY ThemedDay bundle is for you!
Sound Walls Just Make Sense!
Want to jump on the Sound Wall train but not sure where to start? Let me help you!
The BEST End of Year Activities for K-2
The end of the year is near! Hang in there, you’re so close to SUMMER! Fill your final days with some of these EASY and FUN activities!
Plan Your Classroom “YES Day!”
This is the perfect way to wrap up the end of the year together. While some may think that the idea of a “Yes Day” is scary, I’m here to tell you that I promise you it isn’t! It’s actually one of the sweetest days of the year, and it’s a day that students remember for years because they get to take control of ONE day and have a blast with their classroom family. Read here to find out how I make this day “not so scary” and grab the YES DAY Kit HERE.
Throw a Low Prep End of Year Party!
The end of the school year is chaotic enough already- who wants to try to plan a classroom party on top of everything you have to do?! This party pack is super fun and low-prep, so you won’t spend hours planning!
Solar Eclipse Classroom Activities
Celebrate the solar eclipse with these fun math activities, literacy activities, writing crafts and more! Plan your solar-bration!
Celebrating the Leap Year in First Grade
Looking for low-prep, chaos-controlled, and standards-based Leap Activities to celebrate the Leap Year in first grade? Read about them all here!
Using Student Data Binders to Track Data
Tracking student data would be a very daunting task if I didn’t have students help me do it! Of course I save their assessment and behavior data for my own records, but I also like having students track their data so that they can see their growth, and so I have visuals to show families during conference time. Read more about how I do this in my classroom!
10 Low-Prep Word Work Activities for K-1
For a long time, I struggled with wanting my word work options to be engaging and hands-on, but also low-prep. Over the years I came up with several word work options that meet all of my qualifications: engaging and standards-based, hands-on, and low-prep. Read about some of my fave options here.