Centers or Stations Madison Rowe Centers or Stations Madison Rowe

Create a Low-Prep Writing Center Station

Wanting to create a writing center station for your students to visit during ELA centers, but not sure how to make it functional and low-prep?! I’ve got you covered! There are 3 print and go resources that I use to create my writing center, and my students love coming back to this station each day because of these resources. Read here to find out more about our classroom writing center!

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End of Year Madison Rowe End of Year Madison Rowe

Easy End of Year Themed Days

Wanting to give your class some End of Year themed days to review everything that you’ve learned throughout the year but not wanting to lose the structure of your day? This EOY ThemedDay bundle is for you!

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End of Year Madison Rowe End of Year Madison Rowe

Plan Your Classroom “YES Day!”

This is the perfect way to wrap up the end of the year together. While some may think that the idea of a “Yes Day” is scary, I’m here to tell you that I promise you it isn’t! It’s actually one of the sweetest days of the year, and it’s a day that students remember for years because they get to take control of ONE day and have a blast with their classroom family. Read here to find out how I make this day “not so scary” and grab the YES DAY Kit HERE.

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Classroom Routines, Data Binders Madison Rowe Classroom Routines, Data Binders Madison Rowe

Using Student Data Binders to Track Data

Tracking student data would be a very daunting task if I didn’t have students help me do it! Of course I save their assessment and behavior data for my own records, but I also like having students track their data so that they can see their growth, and so I have visuals to show families during conference time. Read more about how I do this in my classroom!

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